Child Survival Program
PfD’s USAID-funded Child Survival Program in Cambodia improved the health of children in Chhlong through immunizations, treating and preventing diarrheal diseases, and improving families’ knowledge of the basics of good child nutrition. The overall goal of the Child Survival Program was to improve the health of children less than five years old in Chhlong OD through control of diarrheal disease, immunization, nutrition and micronutrients, and promotion of breastfeeding.
PfD cooperated with local health centers to promote child vaccination throughout Chhlong, focusing primarily on common childhood illnesses that may be fatal without treatment, but which are easily prevented through vaccination. PfD also sought to reduce child mortality by working with individual families in Chhlong to prevent and treat childhood diarrhea, providing them with education and flipchart reference guides on how and when to use oral rehydration salts, and when to seek professional medical help.
As part of PfD’s “Minimum Package for Nutrition” initiative, PfD Cambodia provided informational materials on child nutrition and breastfeeding for training purposes to village health volunteers to help them communicate about these issues to local families. Training materials focused on Vitamin A deficiency and the importance of exclusive breastfeeding from birth until 6 months, as well as on general nutrition and health. This was combined with a Village Model Gardens program, where local volunteers created model gardens to demonstrate the cultivation and intercropping of highly nutritious fruits and vegetables.
In addition to these community-oriented activities, PfD worked closely with local health centers to improve the quality of local health systems. In particular, PfD helped hospital staff review oversight and vaccine management practices, ensuring sufficient stocks of sensitive vaccines be properly refrigerated.