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Status: Past
Technical Areas: Agricultural Development, Economic Empowerment, Healthy Communities
PfDs Jatropha Agriculture and Nutrition Initiative (JANI) provided a wide range of agricultural skills trainings and opportunities for rural communities, expanding the cultivation and processing of Jatropha (a plant the seeds of which can be used for bio-diesel, soap making, cooking oil and pellet fuel for cookstoves) in 18 districts across Tanzania. Through collaboration with local partners, JANI improved vulnerable agricultural communities food security by diversifying and increasing household income, strengthening local capacity, and improving food security.
Status: Past
Technical Areas: Economic Empowerment, Healthy Communities
PfD is strengthening the capacity of local institutions; construct and rehabilitate WASH facilities; and promote hygiene education in schools, health centers and communities in Abia and Cross River states.
Status: Past
Technical Areas: Economic Empowerment, Healthy Communities
PfD with funding from UNICEF/EU/DFID is working with Federal Ministry of Water Resources; State Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Agencies (RUWASSA) and Local Government Areas Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) units in Nigeria to enhance the Capacity Building of Local Institutions to drive delivery of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) and Other Development Services in their communities. PfD is strengthening the ability of local structures to identify community WASH needs, plan, and implement projects in Bauchi, Edo, Delta and Ekiti States.
Status: Past
Technical Areas: Agricultural Development, Economic Empowerment
Capacity Building of Selected MARKETS II Grantees and Smallholder Agricultural Producers/Processors in Delta, Edo and Rivers states: Chemonics/MARKETS II worked with poor rural farmers and smallholders in Nigeria to improve performance, income, and nutrition through private sector-driven market interventions. To this end, PfD worked with 20 agricultural producer associations to strengthen their organizational, financial, and administrative capacity, allowing them to manage donor funds and increase productivity.
Status: Present
Technical Areas: Economic Empowerment
Created in memory of Anne Johnson, this scholarship fund provides microloans to help fund small enterprises in northeastern Nigeria, mostly for borrowers who would not otherwise have access to conventional credit. This endowment earns interest, which is then used to provide secondary school scholarships girls education.
Status: Past
Technical Areas: Healthy Communities
PfD partnered with John Snow International (JS) to implement the Targeted States High Impact Program (TSHIP) to reduce maternal and infant mortality in northern Nigeria by improving community engagement, the quality of local health care services, and health systems effectiveness. To achieve this, PfD worked with community leaders to conduct capacity-building activities with health practitioners and community members, increasing knowledge of health services available to families and education about topics including nutrition, family planning, prenatal care, and malaria prevention and treatment.
Status: Past
Technical Areas: Economic Empowerment, Healthy Communities
In partnership with the University of North Carolina, PfD performed a 27-month pilot study in Bauchi State the Alive & Thrive program -- aimed at integrating microfinance activities with health initiatives by using microfinance meetings as a platform to teach young and expectant mothers the benefits of exclusive breastfeeding which includes greatly increasing an infants chances of survival. The activities included learning sessions, cell phone messages, and songs and dramas about the key messages. The authors of the study concluded that, over time, women who received the microcredit and behavior change messages were likely to continue breastfeeding, while women in the control group were more likely to switch their babies on to water and solid foods.
Status: Past
Technical Areas: Economic Empowerment
PfDs Provision of Business Development Services to micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in Kaduna State program trained small entrepreneurs in business development and built the capacity of a local microfinance institution (MFI) to continue these trainings, providing entrepreneurs with ongoing services and support.
Status: Past
Technical Areas: Healthy Communities
With the Packard Foundation Program-Related Investment, PfD has improved access to and uptake of reproductive health commodities by integrating reproductive health messaging for female borrowers in microfinance networks. With the PRI capital, PfD oversaw the issue of over 77,000 small loans of about $300 average size to mainly women (93%), while using these networks to provide education on critical issues such as family planning, birth spacing, maternity care, newborn care and feeding, and post-partum care. Further, PfD engaged with community leaders and key influential groups on reproductive health and practices, creating a sense of reproductive health as the responsibility of the entire community, not just the women within these communities.
Status: Past
Technical Areas: Agricultural Development, Economic Empowerment
PfDs Expanding Access to Services for Agricultural Enterprises (EASE) project built the capacity of local community-based organizations to provide loans, business skills training, and targeted technical assistance to 11,000 farmers and processors of agricultural products working in small-scale agriculture. PfD provided guidance to local partner organizations on how to strengthen the entire targeted value chain by engaging with stakeholders at all levels, with a particular focus on women. An extension grant to EASE allowed PfD to extend financial inclusion, business development skills, and agricultural skills training to an additional 2,000 beneficiaries in Sokoto State.
Status: Past
Technical Areas: Healthy Communities
With support from the United Nationals Childrens Fund (UNICEF), PfD implemented a program to increase access to HIV/AIDS prevention services for pregnant women, to prevent them from passing the virus on to their child in the womb. This project helped reduce mother-to-child transmission of HIV in the Ughelli North area of Nigeria by improving the availability of, access to, and use of quality HIV testing and counseling services, the provision of antiretroviral drugs, and strengthening the states health system response to HIV by building the capacity of health facilities, as well as renovating and upgrading the laboratory of the central hospital.
Status: Past
Technical Areas: Healthy Communities
PfDs Counseling, Care and Antiretroviral Mentoring Project (CAMP) provided a comprehensive package of care and treatment to people living with HIV/AIDS, including assistance for orphans and vulnerable children, prevention of mother-to-child transmission, sexual prevention, and care and treatment services. CAMP worked with local health centers, laboratories, and community-based organizations in order to improve the quality and accessibility of treatment and information.
Status: Past
Technical Areas: Economic Empowerment, Healthy Communities
As part of its work with the Family Health Care Initiative (FAHCI) in Nasarawa State, Nigeria, PfD worked to offer livelihoods opportunities for people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA). Many of these people are stigmatized due to their HIV/AIDS positive status and cannot gain employment as manual labor may jeopardize their health and they may not have skills to seek other forms of employment. For this project, PfD launched a vocational skills training center for PLWHA with trainings on fashion design and interior decorating, and the creation of microfinance opportunities to support PLWHA in their business endeavors.
Status: Past
Technical Areas: Agricultural Development, Economic Empowerment
Three-pronged approach provided rural communities with improved roads, training in agricultural production and processing, and microfinance to improve agricultural markets and rural livelihoods.
Status: Past
Technical Areas: Healthy Communities
PfD, with funding from The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM), is developing and implementing behavior change communication interventions to prevent and control malaria through community mobilization.
Status: Past
Technical Areas: Healthy Communities
PfD's Regional Artemisinin Initiative (RAI) is piloting an early warning system in Kratie province to improve tracking the emergency and spread of drug resistant parasites. This project is aligned with Cambodia's National Strategic Plan for Elimination of Malaria to move towards pre-elimination of malaria across Cambodia, with special efforts to contain drug resistant strains.
Status: Past
Technical Areas: Healthy Communities
PfD addressed malaria in mobile and migrant populations, who are often most at risk for infection. This project worked with a variety of stakeholders to increase prevention, diagnosis, and treatment for these communities.
Status: Past
Technical Areas: Agricultural Development, Healthy Communities
PfD implemented the USDA-funded Agricultural Development Program in Stung Treng and Kratie provinces. This project involved four key components: improving agricultural productivity, enhancing household nutrition, supporting the Provincial Agricultural Extension Service, and improving access to markets.
Status: Past
Technical Areas: Agricultural Development, Healthy Communities
PfDs work on the Allen Foundation Community Development Program focused on facilitating community development and quality of life in eight communities by working with local Village Development Committees (VDCs) to support community-initiated activities in economic development, public health and sanitation, public education and local capacity building, and community infrastructure and communications. Additionally, this project improved food security by completing rice banks in villages across the provinces, which were stocked with rice by the World Food Programme.
Status: Past
Technical Areas: Healthy Communities
PfD encouraged behavior change focused on prevention and treatment of malaria among rural populations. This program improved access to early malaria diagnosis and treatment services, with an emphasis on detecting all new malaria cases (including among mobile and migrant populations) and ensuring effective treatment. PfD combated drug-resistant malaria parasites by improving access to appropriate treatment and educating the public against using sub-standard drugs and therapies.
Status: Past
Technical Areas: Healthy Communities
Through the Saving Lives at Birth program, PfD provided access to maternal, newborn and child health services to hard-to-reach populations through a community transport system. PfD also started a community revolving loan fund which created access to finance for expecting and new mothers.
Status: Past
Technical Areas: Healthy Communities
With a focus on combating multi-drug resistant malaria, PfD has worked to target the most vulnerable and underserved populations. PfD designed a curriculum for educating children on malaria transmission and prevention, training school children to become peer educators to educate their classmates, families, and the wider community. PfDs efforts have also focused on migrant workers, who have particularly high levels of malaria and low levels of treatment. Since this population often travels by taxi, PfD educated and trained local taxi drivers on malaria prevention and treatment; due to its success, this intervention has been adopted by Battambang provincial health department.
Status: Past
Technical Areas: Healthy Communities
Working with government offices and local health clinics, PfD organized a variety of engaging and interactive community activities to educate young people and their communities on safe sex practices and to promote healthy behavior change. PfD also hosted a youth forum on sexual and reproductive health, which empowered young leaders to educate their peers and to create community education dramas.
Status: Past
Technical Areas: Healthy Communities
As part of the USAID-funded Northeast Cambodia Community Development Program, PfD took an integrated approach to community health and well-being by implementing initiatives which restored rural water supplies, increased environmental sanitation (particularly human waste management), provided HIV/AIDS education, and worked to improve linkages between community structures and the health system.
Status: Past
Technical Areas: Healthy Communities
PfDs Child Survival Program worked to improve the health of children under five by providing immunizations, treating and preventing diarrheal diseases, and improving families knowledge of the basics of good child nutrition. PfD achieved this by working with local health centers (in this capacity PfD also worked to improve the quality of local health systems), by providing educational materials to village health volunteers, and by combining these efforts with the Village Model Gardens program, where local volunteers could demonstrate how to grow highly nutritional fruits and vegetables.
Status: Past
Technical Areas: Agricultural Development
PfDs Northeast Cambodia Agricultural Extension Project worked to improve food security through continued technical, administrative, and financial support to the provincial Agricultural Extension and Animal Health and Production offices in Kratie and Stung Treng Provinces in Cambodias underserved northeast. Through this collaboration, PfD focused on a major staple crop rice and improved growing methods, introduction of new, high-yield varieties, and proper use of fertilizers and pesticides. PfD also trained community members in veterinary medicine, expanding veterinary services for livestock.
Status: Past
Technical Areas: Healthy Communities
With funding from The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria, PfD strengthened and scaled up the most successful malaria control and prevention activities, with emphasis on building the capacity of community partners in Cambodia. This included education and training of students, health care providers, and community members, and the distribution of educational materials.
Status: Past
Technical Areas: Healthy Communities
For the Strategic Alliance Project, PfD acted as the World Bank Water and Sanitation Programmes Cambodia liaison, assisting Cambodian communities to gain sustained access to safe water and sanitation services through rural water and sanitation sector reforms.
Status: Past
Technical Areas: Healthy Communities
This project was funded by the DFID Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport and FHI 360 to be implemented between 8/05 6/07.
Status: Past
Technical Areas: Healthy Communities
In partnership with the Cambodian Rural Development Team (CDRT), PfD implemented a range of community development activities aimed at improving food security and overall health of four communities within Damrei Phong. Highlights of these activities included installation of a cement biodigester, which captures methane gas from waste and can be used as a household cooking fuel, the creation and rehabilitation of fish-farming ponds, and constructing rain water collectors and household latrines.
Status: Past
Technical Areas: Agricultural Development, Economic Empowerment
With the Integrated Agricultural Development Project 2 (IADP), PfD aimed to contribute to the rehabilitation of agricultural markets by increasing the flow of information and number of competitive actors participating in these markets. PfD achieved this work by guiding the creation of local farmers associations, providing technical assistance and livestock to farming families, increasing trade through the establishment of border inspection posts, and providing technical assistance in support of broader policy changes.
Status: Past
Technical Areas: Agricultural Development, Economic Empowerment
With the The Integrated Agricultural Development Project 1 (IADP), PfD aimed to contribute to the rehabilitation of agricultural markets which were destabilized by ongoing conflict by leveraging microfinance, technical expertise in agriculture, and institutional capacity building. PfD worked with local farmers cooperative to create a national raspberry industry, established producers associations, and developed a partnership with UPI Bank to administer a line of credit to members of these associations. Thus, local farmers gained increased access to information, markets, and credit. The program was expanded in 1999, 2000, and 2001, ultimately benefiting 3,000 members of two small farm co-ops.
Status: Past
Technical Areas: Agricultural Development
PfD’s Pineapple Processing for Export (PINEX) project in Benin works with pineapple farmers, producers’ organizations, processors, and exporters to strengthen the pineapple value chain at all levels. This project comprehensively addresses challenges in the pineapple sector by including training and capacity building for producers and processors, increasing access to finance and inputs, and increasing infrastructure, market information, and brand recognition.
Status: Past
Technical Areas: Agricultural Development, Economic Empowerment
The Growing Resources for the Enhanced Agricultural Enterprises and Nutrition (GREEN) project worked with Beninese farmers’ associations to train vegetable growers on how to increase the money they take home from their harvests through better growing techniques, through strategies to decrease spoilage between the field and the market, and through improving their understanding of market-driven production.
Pastor Ayuba Musa from Gerawa Women Multi-purpose Cooperative Society
Pastor Ayuba Musa from Gerawa Women Multi-purpose Cooperative Society
Mr. Cyprien Hideme, Beninese vegetable farmer
Mr. Cyprien Hideme, Beninese vegetable farmer
Pastor Ayuba Musa from Gerawa Women Multi-purpose Cooperative Society
Pastor Ayuba Musa from Gerawa Women Multi-purpose Cooperative Society
Dami Odetola, PfD Board Member
Dami Odetola, PfD Board Member
Phoumg Sophal, Mobile Malaria Worker in Cambodia
Phoumg Sophal, Mobile Malaria Worker in Cambodia
Sophal Ear, PfD Board Member
Sophal Ear, PfD Board Member
Lanre Williams Ayedun, PfD Board Member
Lanre Williams Ayedun, PfD Board Member
Michael Chommie, PfD Board Member
Michael Chommie, PfD Board Member