New Funding Model
Malaria continues to be a major contributor to public health and economic burden in Cambodia with high rates of morbidity and mortality, hence malaria control is a priority for Cambodia. The National Strategic Plan for Elimination of Malaria (2011-2025) aims to ensure that no artemisinin-resistant malaria parasites are detected in Cambodia by 2015, to eliminate falciparum malaria as well as malaria deaths by 2020, and to eliminate of vivax malaria by 2025, in line with the global call for elimination and eradication of malaria.
Program implementation in Kampot, Koh Kong, Preah Sihanouk, Kampong Chhnang, Kampong Speu, Pursat, Kep and Takeo provinces. The program focuses on information, education and communication (IEC)/ Social Behavior Change Communication (SBCC) interventions, particularly through community mobilization: raising awareness of malaria among at-risk populations, increases use of bed nets (particularly for children) and other prevention measures, and promotes individual awareness and self-protective changes for the general population. PfD is building the capacity of community health workers in effective IEC/SBCC tools and skills to effectively identify Key Affected Population (KAP) in or near their villages and to mobilize their communities toward health goals to achieve long-term sustainability.
Key Activities:
- Train, inform, and educate key village members (e.g., maternal and child health and mobile/ migrant population (MMP) key persons) about malaria risk, prevention, diagnosis, and treatment.
- Mobilize communities through strengthening relationships between VMW/health facilities and key community members for prevention and referral to VMWs/health facilities including tracking of case referral from community to VMW/HC
- Conduct BCC Impact Assessment (KAP Survey) and develop BCC interventions, IEC/BCC toolkits, and training materials; build capacity of existing sub-national health systems and staff.
Result of the program is on-going, but as of July 2017:
- Trained 253 health center staff on ToT approach for participatory community mapping and group identification and BCC approach
- Trained 11 Village Malaria Workers (VMW) on participatory community mapping and group identification and BCC
- Conducted the World Malaria Day in seven target provinces with average of 300 participants in each event
- Co-organized two kick – off workshop for consortium members and government health partners and national consultation workshop on BCC message and approach.
- Carried out Knowledge, Attitude and Practice (KAP) survey in eight target provinces with the results:
- Proportion of population that slept under an insecticide-treated net* the previous night in target districts (77%)
- Proportion of children under five years old who slept under an insecticide-treated net* the previous night in target districts (76%)
- Proportion of pregnant women who slept under an insecticide-treated net* the previous night in target districts (73%)
- Percentage of population at risk of malaria living in the targeted VMW/VHSGs villages who go to a VMW/VHSGs/MMW when they have a fever (5%)
- Percentage of population at risk of malaria living in the targeted villages who correctly identify symptoms of malaria (79%)
- Percentage of population at risk of malaria living in the targeted villages who correctly identify cause of malaria (83%)
- Percentage of forest goers living in targeted villages who slept under an ITN the last time they were in the forest (71%)