Partners for Development

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A woman is learning how to use a bag-in-box using a semi automatic filler

Training cashew apple processors on bag-in-box use

A woman is learning how to use a bag-in-box using a semi automatic filler

A cashew apple processor practices how to use a bag-in-box




On September 29 2021, Partners for Development (PfD), with the aim of modernizing the processing and conservation of cashew apple juice, trained a group of cashew apple processors in the packaging of cashew apple juice using bag-in-boxes, a solution to the problem of conservation of cashew apple juice.

Four cashew apple processing companies – Arigbo from Dassa-Zoumé, Yomblo from Savalou, Les Merveilles de l’Eternel from Djougou and Agbara Olouwa from Dassa-Zoumé – gathered at the pineapple processing companies, Etrapa Industries. They acquired knowledge on the proper ways to handle and fill bag-in-boxes. Trainees had the opportunity to practice filling the bag-in-boxes in different ways – manually and using a semi-automatic filler.

The bag-in-boxes were offered to cashew apple processors who live in the northern and southern parts of Benin, a storage means to send quality cashew apple juice to pineapple processors. Such means of storage also encourages the processors of cashew apple to increase the quantity of cashew apple processed into juice for storage and later conditioning outside the telecharger auto tune 7 + crack periods of harvest and processing, which was a major challenge for cashew apple processors.

The training was also an opportunity for the cashew apple processors to meet with pineapple processing companies, ETRAPA Industries and Benin Discount, to reinforce their business relationship as a follow up to strengthening the partnership between the cashew apple processors and pineapple processors, in order to improve and market cashew-pineapple download netcut gigapurbalingga juice. During their meeting, the processors discussed the production and marketing of the blend juice from the last production season and made plans for the coming season beginning February 2022. During the next season of cashew apple juice production, the cashew apple processors will supply bulk cashew apple juice to pineapple processors to make cashew-pineapple blend juice.

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